
Inheritance diagram of musify.libraries.remote.spotify.base

Core abstract classes for the Spotify module.

These define the foundations of any Spotify object or item.


SpotifyObject(response[, api, skip_checks])

Generic base class for Spotify-stored objects.

SpotifyItem(response[, api, skip_checks])

Generic base class for Spotify-stored items.

class musify.libraries.remote.spotify.base.SpotifyObject(response, api=None, skip_checks=False)

Bases: RemoteObject[SpotifyAPI], ABC

Generic base class for Spotify-stored objects. Extracts key data from a Spotify API JSON response.



The ID of this item/collection.


The URI of this item/collection.


Does this item/collection have a valid URI that is not a local URI.


The API URL of this item/collection.


The external URL of this item/collection.

property id

The ID of this item/collection.

property uri

The URI of this item/collection.

property has_uri

Does this item/collection have a valid URI that is not a local URI.

property url

The API URL of this item/collection.

property url_ext

The external URL of this item/collection.

class musify.libraries.remote.spotify.base.SpotifyItem(response, api=None, skip_checks=False)

Bases: SpotifyObject, RemoteItem, ABC

Generic base class for Spotify-stored items. Extracts key data from a Spotify API JSON response.