
Inheritance diagram of musify.libraries.local.collection

Implements all collection types for a local library.



Generic class for storing a collection of local tracks.

LocalCollectionFiltered(tracks[, name, ...])

Generic class for storing and filtering on a collection of local tracks with methods for enriching the attributes of this object from the attributes of the collection of tracks

LocalFolder([tracks, name, remote_wrangler])

Object representing a collection of tracks in a folder on the local drive.

LocalAlbum(tracks[, name, remote_wrangler])

Object representing a collection of tracks of an album.

LocalArtist(tracks[, name, remote_wrangler])

Object representing a collection of tracks by a single artist.

LocalGenres(tracks[, name, remote_wrangler])

Object representing a collection of tracks within a genre.

class musify.libraries.local.collection.LocalCollection(remote_wrangler=None)

Bases: MusifyCollection, ABC, Generic

Generic class for storing a collection of local tracks.


remote_wrangler (RemoteDataWrangler (default: None)) – Optionally, provide a RemoteDataWrangler object for processing URIs on items. If given, the wrangler can be used when calling __get_item__ to get an item from the collection from its URI.



The tracks in this collection


The tracks in this collection


The total number of tracks in this collection


Timestamp of the last modified track in this collection


Timestamp of the track last added to the library in this collection


Timestamp of the last played track in this collection


Total number of plays of all tracks in this collection


The MusifyLogger for this object


A RemoteDataWrangler object for processing remote data


save_tracks([tags, replace, dry_run])

Saves the tags of all tracks in this collection.


Log stats from the results of a save_tracks operation

merge_tracks(tracks[, tags])

Merge this collection with another collection or list of items by performing an inner join on a given set of tags

property items: list[T]

The tracks in this collection

abstract property tracks: list[T]

The tracks in this collection

property track_total: int

The total number of tracks in this collection

property last_modified: datetime

Timestamp of the last modified track in this collection

property last_added: datetime | None

Timestamp of the track last added to the library in this collection

property last_played: datetime | None

Timestamp of the last played track in this collection

property play_count: int

Total number of plays of all tracks in this collection

logger: MusifyLogger

The MusifyLogger for this object


A RemoteDataWrangler object for processing remote data

save_tracks(tags=LocalTrackField.ALL, replace=False, dry_run=True)

Saves the tags of all tracks in this collection. Use arguments from

  • tags (Union[LocalTrackField, Iterable[LocalTrackField]] (default: <LocalTrackField.ALL: 0>)) – Tags to be updated.

  • replace (bool (default: False)) – Destructively replace tags in each file.

  • dry_run (bool (default: True)) – Run function, but do not modify the file on the disk.


dict[LocalTrack, SyncResultTrack] – A map of the LocalTrack saved to its result as a SyncResultTrack object


Log stats from the results of a save_tracks operation

Return type:


merge_tracks(tracks, tags=Fields.ALL)

Merge this collection with another collection or list of items by performing an inner join on a given set of tags

  • tracks (Collection[Track]) – List of items or MusifyCollection to merge with

  • tags (Union[TagField, Iterable[TagField]] (default: <Fields.ALL: 0>)) – List of tags to merge on.

Return type:


class musify.libraries.local.collection.LocalCollectionFiltered(tracks, name=None, remote_wrangler=None)

Bases: LocalCollection, ABC, Generic

Generic class for storing and filtering on a collection of local tracks with methods for enriching the attributes of this object from the attributes of the collection of tracks

  • tracks (Collection[LocalTrack]) – A list of loaded tracks.

  • name (str | None (default: None)) – The name of this collection. If given, the object only stores tracks that match the name given on the attribute of this object. If None, the list of tracks given are taken to be all the tracks contained in this collection.

  • remote_wrangler (RemoteDataWrangler (default: None)) – Optionally, provide a RemoteDataWrangler object for processing URIs on tracks. If given, the wrangler can be used when calling __get_item__ to get an item from the collection from its URI.


LocalCollectionError – If the given tracks contain more than one unique value for the attribute of this collection when name is None.



The name of the key property of this collection


The tracks in this collection


List of artists ordered by frequency of appearance on the tracks in this collection


List of genres ordered by frequency of appearance on the tracks in this collection

property name

The name of the key property of this collection

property tracks

The tracks in this collection

property artists: list[str]

List of artists ordered by frequency of appearance on the tracks in this collection

property genres: list[str]

List of genres ordered by frequency of appearance on the tracks in this collection

class musify.libraries.local.collection.LocalFolder(tracks=(), name=None, remote_wrangler=None)

Bases: ~musify.libraries.local.collection.[LocalTrack], Folder[LocalTrack]

Object representing a collection of tracks in a folder on the local drive.

  • tracks (Collection[LocalTrack] (default: ())) – A list of loaded tracks.

  • name (str | None (default: None)) – The name of this folder. If given, the object only stores tracks that match the folder name given. If None, the list of tracks given are taken to be all the tracks contained in this folder.

  • remote_wrangler (RemoteDataWrangler (default: None)) – Optionally, provide a RemoteDataWrangler object for processing URIs on tracks. If given, the wrangler can be used when calling __get_item__ to get an item from the collection from its URI.


LocalCollectionError – If the given tracks contain more than one unique value for folder when name is None.



List of albums ordered by frequency of appearance on the tracks in this folder


Folder is a compilation if over 50% of tracks are marked as compilation

property albums

List of albums ordered by frequency of appearance on the tracks in this folder

property compilation

Folder is a compilation if over 50% of tracks are marked as compilation

class musify.libraries.local.collection.LocalAlbum(tracks, name=None, remote_wrangler=None)

Bases: ~musify.libraries.local.collection.[LocalTrack], Album[LocalTrack]

Object representing a collection of tracks of an album.

  • tracks (Collection[LocalTrack]) – A list of loaded tracks.

  • name (str | None (default: None)) – The name of this album. If given, the object only stores tracks that match the album name given. If None, the list of tracks given are taken to be all the tracks for this album.

  • remote_wrangler (RemoteDataWrangler (default: None)) – Optionally, provide a RemoteDataWrangler object for processing URIs on tracks. If given, the wrangler can be used when calling __get_item__ to get an item from the collection from its URI.


LocalCollectionError – If the given tracks contain more than one unique value for album when name is None.



The most common artist on this album


A date object representing the release date of this album.


The most common release year of all tracks on this album


The most common release month of all tracks on this album


The most common release day of all tracks on this album


Album is a compilation if over 50% of tracks are marked as compilation


The images associated with this album in the form {<image name/type>: <image link>}


Does this album have an image


Average rating of all tracks on this album

property album_artist

The most common artist on this album

property date

A date object representing the release date of this album. Determined by the most common release date of all tracks on this album.

property year

The most common release year of all tracks on this album

property month

The most common release month of all tracks on this album

property day

The most common release day of all tracks on this album

property compilation

Album is a compilation if over 50% of tracks are marked as compilation

The images associated with this album in the form {<image name/type>: <image link>}

property has_image

Does this album have an image

property rating

Average rating of all tracks on this album

class musify.libraries.local.collection.LocalArtist(tracks, name=None, remote_wrangler=None)

Bases: ~musify.libraries.local.collection.[LocalTrack], Artist[LocalTrack]

Object representing a collection of tracks by a single artist.

  • tracks (Collection[LocalTrack]) – A list of loaded tracks.

  • name (str | None (default: None)) – The name of this artist. If given, the object only stores tracks that match the artist name given. If None, the list of tracks given are taken to be all the tracks by this artist.

  • remote_wrangler (RemoteDataWrangler (default: None)) – Optionally, provide a RemoteDataWrangler object for processing URIs on tracks. If given, the wrangler can be used when calling __get_item__ to get an item from the collection from its URI.


LocalCollectionError – If the given tracks contain more than one unique value for artist when name is None.



List of albums ordered by frequency of appearance on the tracks by this artist


Average rating of all tracks by this artist

property albums

List of albums ordered by frequency of appearance on the tracks by this artist

property rating

Average rating of all tracks by this artist

class musify.libraries.local.collection.LocalGenres(tracks, name=None, remote_wrangler=None)

Bases: ~musify.libraries.local.collection.[LocalTrack], Genre[LocalTrack]

Object representing a collection of tracks within a genre.

  • tracks (Collection[LocalTrack]) – A list of loaded tracks.

  • name (str | None (default: None)) – The name of this genre. If given, the object only stores tracks that match the genre name given. If None, the list of tracks given are taken to be all the tracks within this genre.

  • remote_wrangler (RemoteDataWrangler (default: None)) – Optionally, provide a RemoteDataWrangler object for processing URIs on tracks. If given, the wrangler can be used when calling __get_item__ to get an item from the collection from its URI.


LocalCollectionError – If the given tracks contain more than one unique value for genre when name is None.



List of albums ordered by frequency of appearance on the tracks for this genre

property albums

List of albums ordered by frequency of appearance on the tracks for this genre