Welcome to Musify!
A Swiss Army knife for music library management
Helping you to manage your local and music streaming service (remote) libraries.
Extract data for all item types from remote libraries, including following/saved items, such as: playlists, tracks, albums, artists, users, podcasts, audiobooks
Load local audio files, programmatically manipulate, and save tags/metadata/embedded images
Synchronise local tracks metadata with its matching track’s metadata on supported music streaming services
Synchronise local playlists with playlists on supported music streaming services
Backup and restore track tags/metadata and playlists for local and remote libraries
Extract and save images from remote tracks or embedded in local tracks
What’s in this documentation
How-to guides on getting started with Musify and other key functionality of the package
Release history
How to get started with contributing to Musify
Reference documentation
Install through pip using one of the following commands:
pip install musify
# or
python -m pip install musify
This package has various optional dependencies for optional functionality. Should you wish to take advantage of some or all of this functionality, install the optional dependencies as follows:
pip install musify[all] # installs all optional dependencies
pip install musify[bars] # dependencies for displaying progress bars on longer running processes
pip install musify[musicbee] # dependencies for working with a local MusicBee library and its playlist types
pip install musify[sqlite] # dependencies for working with a SQLite cache backend for caching API responses
# or you may install any combination of these e.g.
pip install musify[bars,images,musicbee]
📜 How to...
- Installation
- Load a local library and objects
- Create, load, and update a local playlist
- Load and save tags to a local track
- Load a Spotify library and objects
- Backup and restore your library data
- Sync data between local and remote libraries
- Create a playlist of your followed artists’ latest music
- Get useful stats about your libraries
🛠️ Project Info