Inheritance diagram of musify.libraries.local.playlist.xautopf

The XAutoPF implementation of a LocalPlaylist.


SyncResultXAutoPF(start,Β start_included,Β ...)

Stores the results of a sync with a local XAutoPF playlist.

XAutoPF(path[,Β tracks,Β path_mapper])

For reading and writing data from MusicBee's auto-playlist format.

XMLPlaylistParser(path[,Β path_mapper])

class musify.libraries.local.playlist.xautopf.SyncResultXAutoPF(start, start_included, start_excluded, start_compared, start_limiter, start_sorter, final, final_included, final_excluded, final_compared, final_limiter, final_sorter)

Bases: Result

Stores the results of a sync with a local XAutoPF playlist.



The total number of tracks in the playlist before the sync.


The number of tracks that matched the include settings before the sync.


The number of tracks that matched the exclude settings before the sync.


The number of tracks that matched all the Comparer settings before the sync.


Was a limiter present on the playlist before the sync.


Was a sorter present on the playlist before the sync.


The total number of tracks in the playlist after the sync.


The number of tracks that matched the include settings after the sync.


The number of tracks that matched the exclude settings after the sync.


The number of tracks that matched all the Comparer settings after the sync.


Was a limiter present on the playlist after the sync.


Was a sorter present on the playlist after the sync.

start: int

The total number of tracks in the playlist before the sync.

start_included: int

The number of tracks that matched the include settings before the sync.

start_excluded: int

The number of tracks that matched the exclude settings before the sync.

start_compared: int

The number of tracks that matched all the Comparer settings before the sync.

start_limiter: bool

Was a limiter present on the playlist before the sync.

start_sorter: bool

Was a sorter present on the playlist before the sync.

final: int

The total number of tracks in the playlist after the sync.

final_included: int

The number of tracks that matched the include settings after the sync.

final_excluded: int

The number of tracks that matched the exclude settings after the sync.

final_compared: int

The number of tracks that matched all the Comparer settings after the sync.

final_limiter: bool

Was a limiter present on the playlist after the sync.

final_sorter: bool

Was a sorter present on the playlist after the sync.

class musify.libraries.local.playlist.xautopf.XAutoPF(path, tracks=(), path_mapper=PathMapper({}), *_, **__)

Bases: LocalPlaylist[FilterMatcher[LocalTrack, FilterDefinedList[LocalTrack], FilterDefinedList[LocalTrack], FilterComparers[LocalTrack]]]

For reading and writing data from MusicBee’s auto-playlist format.

Note: You must provide a list of tracks to search on initialisation for this playlist type.

  • path (str) – Absolute path of the playlist.

  • tracks (Collection[LocalTrack] (default: ())) – Optional. Available Tracks to search through for matches. If none are provided, no tracks will be loaded initially

  • path_mapper (PathMapper (default: PathMapper({}))) – Optionally, provide a PathMapper for paths stored in the playlist file. Useful if the playlist file contains relative paths and/or paths for other systems that need to be mapped to absolute, system-specific paths to be loaded and back again when saved.



Extensions of files that can be loaded by this class.


The initial values to use as the base XML when creating a new XAutoPF file from scratch.


Description of this playlist


This setting controls whether duplicates should be filtered out before running limiter operations.


The images associated with this playlist in the form {<image name/type>: <image link>}



Read the playlist file and update the tracks in this playlist instance.


Write the tracks in this Playlist and its settings (if applicable) to file.

valid_extensions: frozenset[str] = frozenset({'.xautopf'})

Extensions of files that can be loaded by this class.

default_xml = {'SmartPlaylist': {'@ConsolidateAlbums': 'False', '@Layout': '4', '@LayoutGroupBy': '0', '@LiveUpdating': 'True', '@MusicLibraryPath': '', '@SaveStaticCopy': 'False', 'Source': {'@Type': '1', 'Description': None}}}

The initial values to use as the base XML when creating a new XAutoPF file from scratch. Certain settings in the β€˜Source’ key relating to processors that this program recognises will be set on initialisation. Hence, any default values assigned to these keys will be overridden.

property description

Description of this playlist

property limiter_deduplication: bool

This setting controls whether duplicates should be filtered out before running limiter operations.

The images associated with this playlist in the form {<image name/type>: <image link>}


Read the playlist file and update the tracks in this playlist instance.


tracks (Collection[LocalTrack] (default: ())) – Available Tracks to search through for matches.


list[LocalTrack] – Ordered list of tracks in this playlist

save(dry_run=True, *_, **__)

Write the tracks in this Playlist and its settings (if applicable) to file.


dry_run (bool (default: True)) – Run function, but do not modify the file on the disk.


SyncResultXAutoPF – The results of the sync as a SyncResultXAutoPF object.

class musify.libraries.local.playlist.xautopf.XMLPlaylistParser(path, path_mapper=PathMapper({}))

Bases: File, PrettyPrinter



Map of MusicBee field key name to Field enum


Map of Field enum to MusicBee field key name


Settings for custom sort codes.


The default/manual sort code


The default setting to use for the GroupBy setting


The path to the file.


The smart playlist data part of the loaded XML playlist data


The source data part of the loaded XML playlist data


The description value of the XML playlist data


Maps paths stored in the playlist file.


A map representation of the loaded XML playlist data


This setting controls whether duplicates should be filtered out before running limiter operations.



Load xml object from the disk


Save xml object to the disk


Initialise and return a FilterMatcher object from loaded XML playlist data.


Update the loaded xml object by parsing the given matcher to its XML playlist representation.

parse_exception_paths(matcher,Β items,Β original)

Parse the exception paths (i.e. include/exclude attributes) for the given matcher to its XML playlist representation.


Initialise and return a ItemLimiter object from loaded XML playlist data.

parse_limiter([limiter,Β deduplicate])

Update the loaded xml object by parsing the given limiter to its XML playlist representation.


Initialise and return a ItemLimiter object from loaded XML playlist data.


Update the loaded xml object by parsing the given sorter to its XML playlist representation.


Return a dictionary representation of the key attributes of this object.

name_field_map = {'Album': Fields.ALBUM, 'Album Artist': Fields.ALBUM_ARTIST, 'ArtistPeople': Fields.ARTIST, 'BeatsPerMin': Fields.BPM, 'BitDepth': Fields.BIT_DEPTH, 'Comment': Fields.COMMENTS, 'DiscCount': Fields.DISC_TOTAL, 'DiscNo': Fields.DISC_NUMBER, 'FileBitrate': Fields.BIT_RATE, 'FileChannels': Fields.CHANNELS, 'FileDateAdded': Fields.DATE_ADDED, 'FileDateModified': Fields.DATE_MODIFIED, 'FileDuration': Fields.LENGTH, 'FileExtension': Fields.EXT, 'FileKind': Fields.TYPE, 'FileLastPlayed': Fields.LAST_PLAYED, 'FileName': Fields.FILENAME, 'FilePath': Fields.PATH, 'FilePlayCount': Fields.PLAY_COUNT, 'FileSampleRate': Fields.SAMPLE_RATE, 'FolderName': Fields.FOLDER, 'GenreSplits': Fields.GENRES, 'None': None, 'Rating': Fields.RATING, 'Title': Fields.TITLE, 'TrackCount': Fields.TRACK_TOTAL, 'TrackNo': Fields.TRACK_NUMBER, 'Year': Fields.YEAR}

Map of MusicBee field key name to Field enum

field_name_map = {Fields.ALBUM: 'Album', Fields.ALBUM_ARTIST: 'Album Artist', Fields.ARTIST: 'ArtistPeople', Fields.BIT_DEPTH: 'BitDepth', Fields.BIT_RATE: 'FileBitrate', Fields.BPM: 'BeatsPerMin', Fields.CHANNELS: 'FileChannels', Fields.COMMENTS: 'Comment', Fields.DATE_ADDED: 'FileDateAdded', Fields.DATE_MODIFIED: 'FileDateModified', Fields.DISC_NUMBER: 'DiscNo', Fields.DISC_TOTAL: 'DiscCount', Fields.EXT: 'FileExtension', Fields.FILENAME: 'FileName', Fields.FOLDER: 'FolderName', Fields.GENRES: 'GenreSplits', Fields.LAST_PLAYED: 'FileLastPlayed', Fields.LENGTH: 'FileDuration', Fields.PATH: 'FilePath', Fields.PLAY_COUNT: 'FilePlayCount', Fields.RATING: 'Rating', Fields.SAMPLE_RATE: 'FileSampleRate', Fields.TITLE: 'Title', Fields.TRACK_NUMBER: 'TrackNo', Fields.TRACK_TOTAL: 'TrackCount', Fields.TYPE: 'FileKind', Fields.YEAR: 'Year', None: 'None'}

Map of Field enum to MusicBee field key name

defined_sort: dict[int, Mapping[Field, bool]] = {6: {Fields.FILENAME: False, Fields.ALBUM: False, Fields.DISC_NUMBER: False, Fields.TRACK_NUMBER: False}}

Settings for custom sort codes.

default_sort = 78

The default/manual sort code

default_group_by = 'track'

The default setting to use for the GroupBy setting

property path: str

The path to the file.

property xml_smart_playlist: dict[str, Any]

The smart playlist data part of the loaded XML playlist data

property xml_source: dict[str, Any]

The source data part of the loaded XML playlist data

property description

The description value of the XML playlist data


Maps paths stored in the playlist file.

xml: dict[str, Any]

A map representation of the loaded XML playlist data


Load xml object from the disk

Return type:


save(dry_run=True, *_, **__)

Save xml object to the disk

Return type:



Initialise and return a FilterMatcher object from loaded XML playlist data.

Return type:

FilterMatcher[LocalTrack, FilterDefinedList[LocalTrack], FilterDefinedList[LocalTrack], FilterComparers[LocalTrack]]


Update the loaded xml object by parsing the given matcher to its XML playlist representation. Does not extract exception paths (i.e. include/exclude attributes).

Return type:


parse_exception_paths(matcher, items, original)

Parse the exception paths (i.e. include/exclude attributes) for the given matcher to its XML playlist representation. Does not extract any other attributes from the matcher.

  • matcher (FilterMatcher | None) – The FilterMatcher to parse.

  • items (list[File]) – The items to export.

  • original (list[File | MusifyItem]) – The original items matched from the settings in the original file.

Return type:



Initialise and return a ItemLimiter object from loaded XML playlist data.

Return type:

ItemLimiter | None

property limiter_deduplication: bool

This setting controls whether duplicates should be filtered out before running limiter operations.

parse_limiter(limiter=None, deduplicate=False)

Update the loaded xml object by parsing the given limiter to its XML playlist representation.

Return type:



Initialise and return a ItemLimiter object from loaded XML playlist data.

Return type:

ItemSorter | None

valid_extensions: frozenset[str]

Extensions of files that can be loaded by this class.


Update the loaded xml object by parsing the given sorter to its XML playlist representation.

Return type:



Return a dictionary representation of the key attributes of this object.

The results of this function are used to produce the following:
  • A JSON representation of the object when calling json()

  • The string representation of the object when calling str() on the object

  • The representation of the object when calling repr() on the object